Saturday, December 26, 2009

ok. So here it goes. The following are a couple of highlights about what has been going on in my mind over the past month or so.

1. Jesus in me vs. my flesh---> Although I know the outcome of this war, the battle still sucks. I feel skitzophrenic. . .like there are two people inside of me. One side of me wants to do the right thing, stand out, and be different. The other person wants to cave in to the world, or to what is normal. I am still currently in battle and and need some ammo for this horrific fight. I am praying....sometimes. However, it is at all times that I need prayer and support. I didn't ever have the thought of losing this battle. I am determined and I know whose side I am on.

2. Life is crazy. This is the second thing in my mind that has taken up most of my thoughts. So many things have been happening in my life. The World has thrown me some fast pitches. I am taking them as they are and am trying to hit a homerun. The problem is that I feel like I am batting blind. I never surely know if I am doing the right thing, which goes back to #1.

Well that is it. It seems like blogging helps. So does talking with Jesus.

Monday, January 19, 2009


This Summer I am going to work at this awesome Christian camp named "Sky Ranch". I am so excited. One night last week I couldn't go to sleep because I was ecstatic. I had so many things to think about. What could I do in my spare time? How could I be encouraging to my fellow workers and friends? What are some goals that I could or should make? That night, I had no idea of what the answers are to those questions. However, now I do.
I have worked at this camp before in the summers of 2007 and 2008. So, I have to think about what God would want me to do different. I have pondered on past mistakes that I have made at Sky Ranch and have found ideas on how to make sure I can correct those mistakes. For example, instead of spending most or all of my time with the people I know well, such as old friends, I should try to get acquainted with people I am not familiar with. Establishing relationships will get a person far in life, I believe. For instance, I have established a relationship with Jesus Christ and look at the good that came out of that. Because I made that choice, I am not a slave to sin anymore and have the assurance that I will be in Heaven someday. There are other benefits that come from establishing a relationship with Christ, but that is alot to mention. I am still trying to make goals for this upcoming Summer. Another question I have asked myself is how I can prepare for these goals that I am going to create. I should pray about this and ask for God's assistance. Pray with me.
Dear Lord,
I come to you today at this time to thank you for your many blessings. Thank you for the past Summers at Sky Ranch. I have grown so much because of those former times. I love you so much, but not as much as I probably should. I ask that you help me anyway. You are The Helper. I would appreciate it if you would help me determine some goals that you want me to have for this Summer. I want to be an impact to people, my co-workers and the campers. I want to do your will. How can I do that? Please help me. I know you will. I'll be waiting for your answers. :] Once again I thank you and I love you for everything! In your compassionate Name I pray, Amen!

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

I could write more.

Today I went out to eat with some friends. I knew these people well. So, it was suprising to be a witness of their attitudes, contributed thoughts, and opinions about things. They felt like strangers to me. One in particular, whose name is Lynn, stood out the most. Lynn and I use to hang out quite frequently. We were best friends. However things have changed and I just noticed that she has too. I use to know her as a sweet, innocent, and mature woman who did want to offend anybody and just wanted people to get along. Basically, Lynn wanted world peace. Now I know her as a harsh and mean-spirited girl who wants her way alot. I am not trying to bash her or anything. I guess I am just concerned because Lynn's attributes do not seem Christ-like or as Christ-like any more. She had asked me to pray for her about two months ago. Lynn had mentioned her trouble of keeping a consistent quiet time with God. I have prayed her. Although, I have to admit that I have stopped. She doesn't seem to be growing in her walk with the Lord. I am sad for her. Mabe I am being naive, but I don't comprehend how a person can love Jesus at one point in time and then pull away from Him at another point. Jesus has done so much for every human being, whether that human being realizes that or not. Jesus died for each individual person. Actually, He didn't just die for me and Lynn and even you, He was tortured for all of us. If He didn't die for the people of this World, we would be caught in a furious wrath of God. I know that when I made a commitment to follow Christ, I did and will continue to stick to that commitment. Mabe I have bigger motivation than Lynn. To those of you who care, please pray for those who struggle to maintain their relationship with God. It isn't easy. On the other hand, if you do not know Christ in a personal way and want to, don't wait. God want to come into your heart so much and the best part is, all you have to do is ask for his forgivness of your sins and to ask him to come into your life. All you have to do is ask. Have a wonderful day!